Your guide to casinos in New Zealand
Gambling is a great part-time activity, perfect for killing some time off work. The gambling industry counts millions of responsible gamblers who do it as an activity purely for fun, including us who works over here at It can be harmless as long as you can keep the urge to go all in, and put yourself at financial risk.
For people who have a hard time controlling the temptation and playing with the means and hope to improve their financial standing, gambling can be a real problem. Some gamblers can develop an addiction, which is a real mental problem that needs to be dealt with.
We’ve created the following article to give you an overview and insight into the possible causes, and methods to deal with gambling addiction.
It’s hard to exactly pinpoint what responsible gambling is, as it encompasses several policies, methods and requirements that apply to gambling stakeholders first and foremost, and gamblers themselves second.
When we talk about gambling stakeholders they must respect certain standards of quality, as well as offer a safe environment and try their best to protect gamblers from the potential downfalls it may lead them to. Providing ways to reach out for help and being available to offer help is just something stakeholders can do.
From the gambler’s perspective, treating gambling as a pastime activity, and not as a means to earn money is one of the postulates of safe gambling. Being responsible for the time you spend and the money you spend is crucial.
It’s very hard to say exactly what leads to gambling addiction. There can be several underlying causes and not one in particular. However, in most cases, the cause of compulsive gambling is multi-layered, which is the worst outcome resulting in the inability to control your online gambling behaviour.
It’s not always easy to spot an addicted gambler on the spot. Not everything is black and white, and this applies to people addicted to gambling as well. Some signs that a person is involved in a gambling circle that’s hard to break out of could be the following:
Gambling addiction can also manifest in different ways. If a person is feeling overly anxious and depressed, and even have suicidal thoughts, a gambling problem might be in question. Sleep deprivation and anxiety can also lead to pale skin, weight gain and dark circles under the eyes. These are all clear signs of something going on.
Any well-intentioned casino in New Zealand will offer its players some mechanism to help them with potential problems from gambling. However, there are steps the players can take as well. Let’s dive a little deeper into what can be done to prevent any harm from coming to a player because of gambling:
If you notice that you are developing a gambling addiction, you can also get in touch with the Problem Gambling Foundation or the Gambling Helpline.